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     Blink187 - Enema of ME
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Zack Elle
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 "BLINK187- Enema of ME" by PL722

BLINK's Enema of the State CD KiCkS AsS

I was surprised by the articulateness of this letter. Look at it; just eight words sums up all the feelings, emotions, WHATEVER PL722 is thinking. The man is a pure genious. Hell, he didn't even review what genre of music BLINK is! He didn't have to.

BLINK is a band from the 1980's, whose star was (get this) Shirley Manson. They were semi-big in England for awhile, until bigger bands like Depeche Mode and U2 came around. They only had one album - Flying with Passion, which boasted no big hits. They never made it stateside. And most importantly, they never made ANY song called Enema of the State! It's just PURE GENIOUS on behalf of PL722!