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Zack Elle
ICQ UIN: 27934238
AIM: Zack1712


The pages I am linking to here are NEARLY equal to my page in terms of coolness factor. Respect them as well; they deserve this spot on my page.

If you think YOUR page deserves a place here, EMail me and I'll see what I can do.


      I may not necessarily like the webmaster of this site, but you've got to admit-the boy's got talent. I would attempt to recap this guy's site, but there are so many different sections to it that it's impossible. The premise of his site is to make fun of several animes and video games; however, it's hilarious whether you know about the games/anime or not.

Under Construction
     This site is by far the most revolutionary site I've ever come accross. It will absolutely blow your mind. The only other things I've read that are equal to how shocking this website is are Adolf Hitler's MEIN KOMPF, Madonna's SEX, The Autobiography of Michael Jackson, and Teletubbies: The Book.
      Now that I've said that, it's rather obvious I've never been to this page before. I really, really want to someday, though. (: It's maintained by that infamous sexfiend, Dave Boyle. I wish him luck, in this, his 42nd renaming of his website.

1675 Studios
     What's this? A ripoff? OF MY SITE?!?!?! Yes, this "CSAW" character, ex-1712 Studios member, has completely ripped me off-graphics, ripped off my site's name, and everything else. But hey-atleast he's copying ME, the greatest HTMLer on the planet! He has excellent taste in websites, I might add.      

ZE Studios
     What, I can't link to myself? You're crazy. A site as awesome as mine is deserves a link here, too.