Archived news
FF Fight GIF Tournament
NON - FF Tournament GIFs
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Dr. Zack Elle's Y2K Survival Kit


Zack Elle
ICQ UIN: 27934238
AIM: Zack1712

     Well, ChronoCraft is now officially on hold. It seems like there's no interest in it... sure, I got one or two emails about it, but that's pretty much it. Maybe, if there was some serious interest, I'd continue it...
     No, that's a lie. I won't continue it-PL722 took my StarCraft CD and isn't going to give it back, ever. So, I don't have StarCraft and can't continue it.
     That being said, PL722 is off the staff. So are CSAW and Dragoon-kun... they haven't produced ANYTHING for the page.
They even take pride in that. Slayer is still on, and he's creating a demo map for ChronoCraft... after that, ChronoCraft will be discontinued. If I get enough feedback asking that I continue it, I will.
    If you are interested in what I WILL be doing, I will be working on Fight GIFs again. As Dragoon-kun is fired, I have no choice but to take up the most popular section of the site... and hopefully get more publicity.

-Zack Elle

     Leo vs. Locke GIF completed.

     Lucca is finished! I'll be moving on to Robo now. I'm so close to being finished with the graphics, it's scary.. (: Anyway, I updated all ChronoCraft related pages... I even updated the CWAD! Yes, the CWAD I'm offering now will have Crono, Lucca, and Marle in it... enjoy. I also updated the screenshots section.

     New staff member! C SAW is its name. It's duty is to check and make sure everything on the page works perfectly and looks good. I have a feeling I won't be needing it much longer... (:

    See? I missed a day of updating! Bahahah!@# (:
    Added 5 new screenshots, all of 100% new material; this time, they show off Lucca. I suppose I'll post the Marle/Crono CWD once I'm done with Lucca...

    New Staff member; welcome Dragoon-kun to 1712 Studios! He'll be handling the FIGHT GIF section while the rest of the crew works on ChronoCraft... I thank him for that-and don't worry! He'll get good... soon enough. (:
    Site redesign FULLY COMPLETE! Hope you enjoy it... I sure as heck didn't... it was tough retyping all the HTML...

    Site under construction; nothing new added, just a site name change and main page redesign. Looks best in Netscape 4.61 now.

    Don't get too used to me updating every day, because it just won't keep on happening... I hope. (:
    This time, I updated the screenshots section, but with a different form of screenshot; comparisons. It compares the StarCraft animation to the animation I've added in. Kinda neat.
     Also... we've got a new staff member! PL722. I don't know whether it's a guy or girl, and frankly, I don't want to ask. It'll be handling plot... speaking of which, it sent me the TXT outline of the story! I put it in the main ChronoCraft section. (:

    Take this as a sign. I've updated, YET AGAIN...
    Marle is done. I'm now moving on to Lucca. I've added 7 (!) screenshots... that's a lot.

    Oh my lamb, I've updated more than 3 times a week! The world's ending!!!@#

    More ChronoCraft screen shots! This time, they're of Marle. Yes, Marle is nearly finished... so nearly finished... (:

    ChronoCraft stuff. I've decided to up a CWAD of the hacked-in Crono. Note that it's not the completed Crono (with the swordslash added in), just the one I used for the screenshots. ChronoCraft *IS* real.

    As this page was getting a little big, I've added an archived news section... I've also taken the liberty of adding a staff section, so they don't feel left out.

    Updated the screenshots for ChronoCraft. Still of Crono... but,
as an added plus, I've found a HIDDEN CHRONO TRIGGER ENDING! WHOO!!!!!!!! I made a .GIF of it, as ZMVs are illegal. Anyhow, HERE is the GIF. Crono actually speaks in it!

    Many important newslets... I am dropping Faris vs. Lenna (for now), so that I may finish the FF FIGHT tournament... that thing's been going on for near 2 years, and it's time it got done.
    On another note, I've begun ANOTHER project, that's nearly done as we speak: ChronoCraft. It's a (cwad) hack of StarCraft, replacing the StarCraft characters with Chrono Trigger characters. As of this date, I've only fully done Crono, and partially done Marle. Screenshots are available in its own section of the site.

    New project announced-Faris vs Lenna, "Sisterly Love". ((: Nothing yet, but the estimated end time will be sometime in September; normally a GIF only takes a week to two weeks, but SEIKEN DENSETSU 3 IS TRANSLATED!!! Yes, Secret of Mana 2 has been translated... that's where I'll be for the next few weeks. Get the translation patch here, and go here for a place to find the ROM.

    On another note, I don't think I'll get around to posting all my music. I'll just post my best works, the ones I send to RPGamer and such. ((:

     I finally finished Cecil versus Kain!! So far, it's my finest yet and I'm sure you'll agree it is, too. To get it, head on to the Fight GIFs (non-tournament). Still no music section--YET.

   Page finally put up! So far, I've only got the GIF section up, but I can assure you that I'll finish the other sections soon enough. THANK YOU, DRAGOON-KUN, FOR GIVING ME THIS IDEA! (: