(map starts off, heroes automatically defeating Lavos) (Parade) Lucca tells them that she's from another planet, one that was infested by a Lavos; she had come to Earth to live a normal life, but of course, everything went awry...Lucca tells them that she wants to go back to her home planet so she can hopefully clear her planet if the Lavoses, so her people can live...she invents [something, maybe something like the gate key and gates that were in CT] that takes them to her planet... her planet is overrun by Lavos spawn, still, but there are still people. (they decide to go hunting for Lavos at the Pit, where Lavos launched its attack So, they fight the Lavos and win...but the real battle begins when they fight the people that started it all... they kill them, and the threat of the Lavos -PL722